(A) If the Village Planning Commission has approved a preliminary plat, the Village Board of Trustees, shall either accept or reject the plat within 30 days after its next regularly scheduled meeting (not the committee at large meeting) following the Village Planning Commission’s notification to the Village Board. If the Village Board of Trustees rejects the preliminary plat, they shall specify the aspects in which the plat fails to comply with the Development Code. The village staff shall notify the developer of the Trustees action. If approved, one copy of the signed plat shall be retained by the Clerk, one copy shall be filed with the village staff and one copy shall be given to the subdivider. Board approval shall not qualify a preliminary plat for recording.
(B) Therefore, if the Village Board finds it is in the best interest of public safety, it shall request modification to any portion of the preliminary plat for which improvement plans have not been submitted and accepted by the Village Board.
(Am. Ord. 2020-03-02A, passed 3-2-2020)