Mobile homes located in mobile home parks within the jurisdictional boundaries of the village shall (at least):
(A) Have concrete pier foundations of pre-cast or poured pads or blocks installed directly under the main frame or chassis of the mobile home on stable soil with all grass and organic materials removed;
(B) Have open or closed cell concrete blocks placed above the foundation (open cells shall be vertical) and capped with a pressure treated wood plate or solid concrete block; interlock and, possibly, reinforced double blocked piers, may be necessary if height exceeds normal setup procedures;
(C) Have over-the-top steel cable or strap tie-downs (with suitable devices to prevent cutting) positioned at stud and rafter locations near each end of the mobile home and fastened to ground anchors using turnbuckles or other devices to draw the tie-downs tight; however, "doublewides" shall not require over-the-top tie-downs;
(D) Have ground anchors aligned with edges of piers and situated immediately below the outer wall to accommodate over-the-top as well as frame ties;
(E) Have frame ties connecting the anchor and steel I-beam (or other shape) main structural frame member which runs lengthwise under the mobile home; and
(F) Have skirting, approved by the village staff, fastened around the entire mobile home.