(A) In order to facilitate public understanding of the zoning regulations within the Development Code and for efficient administration and convenience of use thereof, area and bulk requirements for each zoning district established in § 151.025 are set forth in Schedule B, and permitted and special uses are set forth in Schedule A. The schedules are in §§ 151.046 and 151.047 and shall be amended in the same manner as any other regulation within this Code.
(B) In accordance with § 151.025, all land within the jurisdictional boundaries of the village is divided into specific zoning districts. Each district is described as follows:
(1) Non-Urban "NU" District. This district classification encompasses undeveloped or sparsely developed land which, for the most part, is presently used for agriculture and rural homesites. The District may also contain, and be compatible with, public and semi-public and conservation areas as described in the Comprehensive Plan; and
(2) Residential "CE", "R-1", "R-2", "R-3", "MR" and "MH" Districts. These district classifications encompass developable or developed land which is or should be used for dwellings.