(A)   Grease, oil and sand interceptors shall be provided when required by the state's Plumbing Code and/or the village.
      (1)   All gas, oil and flammable liquids interceptors shall be of a type and capacity required by the state's Plumbing Code and shall be located as to be readily and easily accessible for cleaning and inspection.
      (2)   All grease interceptors to be located within the village's Sub Facility Planning Area, as defined by the state's Plumbing Code, for new construction or changes in uses of existing structures shall be a minimum of 1,000-gallons' capacity and located outside the building.
   (B)   Owners shall maintain all interceptors to ensure proper operation and shall maintain a service log for village inspection which shall include copies of service tickets.
(Am. Ord. 2020-03-02C, passed 3-2-2020)