(A)   For the purpose of this subchaper the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      ADULT. A person 18 years or older.
      RESPONSIBLE TENANT. A tenant of a single family residence whose signature appears on the written lease. If there is no written lease, any tenant who delivered the rent payment to the landlord during any of the preceding six months, or if no rent or lease payment is made, all adult residents of the single family residence.
         (1)   Two married adults, the natural or adopted children of either of them, the grandchildren of one or both of the adults, the parents or siblings of either of the married adults, or spouses of any of the children of either spouse.
         (2)   One adult and his or her natural or adopted children, present or former stepchildren, grandchildren, siblings and parents or grandparents.
         (3)   Two or three unmarried adults, and the natural or adopted children, present or former stepchildren, grandchildren, siblings and parents or grandparents of one or more of the adults.
         (4)   No more than three unrelated adults.
      SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE. A residence that is not located in a multi family zoning district, unless the residence is located in a single family district, and has been occupied by more than a single family since zoning was adopted in 1978.
      TENANT. A person residing in a single family residence, a multi family residence, or any other structure, whether rent or lease payments are paid to the owner or manager or if the person resides for free, or as an employee benefit, in residence owned by another person.
   (B)   An owner of a property located in a single family zoning district may not permit a person not a member of a single family to reside in a residence, leased, rented or given to the resident.
   (C)   If a covenant of the subdivision in which a residence is located expressly or impliedly requires written leases or rental agreements, the owner of the residence shall have a written lease or rental agreement, which shall include the names of all persons authorized to reside in the residence during the term of the lease and in what manner, if any, the tenants are related by blood or marriage.
(Ord. 2001-9-2, passed 9-26-01; Am. Ord. 2001-10-1, passed 10-9-01)