(A)   The Town Council shall annually adopt an ordinance fixing the annual salary or hourly wage rate too be paid to each civil town officer, class of employee or employee position for the ensuing fiscal year.
      (1)   When possible, this ordinance shall be adopted no later than August 1, so firm figures may be incorporated into the budget for the ensuing year prior to its publication and adoption, but in all events shall be adopted on or before December 31.
      (2)   The salary ordinance may be amended as necessary to provide fair and equitable compensation to all officers and employees, provided the salary of an elected officer may not be changed during the year for which it is fixed.
   (B)   Salaries and wages due to officers and employees shall be paid as follows:
      (1)   Town Council members. The annual salary fixed for Town Council members shall be paid in equal quarterly installments due on the first day of the month following the end of each quarter.
      (2)   Town Attorney. The annual retainer fixed for the Town Attorney shall be paid in equal quarterly installments due the first day of the month following the end of each quarter. This division applies only to the annual retainer; other legal fees and charges for services not covered under the retainer shall be paid as agreed between the Town Attorney and Town Council.
      (3)   Other officers and employees. All other civil town officers and employees shall be paid semi-monthly, on the first and fifteenth of each month, following the work period covered by the payment. Hourly wage employees shall be paid an amount reflecting actual earnings during the work period; salaried officers and employees shall be paid semi-monthly installments of 1/24th of the annual salary.
   (C)   The Clerk-Treasurer shall prepare the payroll which, when duly allowed by the Town Council, shall authorize the issuance of checks for the salaries or wages indicated to be due (less applicable deductions). The payroll, as prepared by the Clerk-Treasurer, and/or allowed by the Town Council shall reflect any unpaid leave taken by any officer or employee during the respective work period or other applicable dockages.
   (D)   This section applies only to civil town officers and employees an not to officers and employees of municipally owned utilities, whose compensation shall be determined and paid in accordance with policies adopted by their respective utility service board.
(‘85 Code, § 2-8-1) (Ord. 1985-C11, passed 9-16-85)