(A)   The Commission shall formulate policies for the supervision, management, maintenance, operation, improvement, and extensions of the municipal water and sewer system. The Commission shall adopt a personnel policy and procedure which as much as possible shall be in accordance with the personnel policies and procedures of the city. The Chairman of the Commission shall carry out the policies of the Commission. The day-to-day operation and management of the system shall be carried out by the Manager under the supervision and direction of the Chairman. The Manager shall be under the direction of the Chairman. The Manager of the system shall report directly to the Chairman and in the Chairman's discretion to the City Council. The Manager may hire and discharge employees and fix their compensation in accordance with the personnel policy and procedure of the Commission subject to the approval of the Chairman.
   (B)   The Commission shall make written recommendations to the City Council to increase or lower rates for water and sewer service. The City Council shall take action on the recommendations to the City Council to increase or lower rates for water and sewer service. The City Council shall take action on the recommendation of the Commission within sixty (60) days of the date of its receipt. The City Council may approve or disapprove the recommended rate change and if approved set the date on which it shall become effective. If the City Council fails to approve or disapprove the Commission's recommendation, the recommended rate change shall become effective on the sixtieth (60th) day after receipt of the recommendation or such other effective date after the sixty (60) day period which is adopted by the Commission. No reduction of water and sewer rates shall be recommended by the Commission, however, unless accompanied by the written approval for such a reduction by a recognized engineer representing the trustee for the bondholders, so long as any water and sewer system revenue bonds remain outstanding.
   (C)   The Chairman shall submit an annual budget to the Commission at the May monthly meeting. The budget shall provide for any request by the Commission for surplus funds deposited in the name of the city. The annual budget shall be approved no later than June 30 of each year and a copy of the budget shall be submitted to the City Clerk/Treasurer and the city's auditor. The budget of the Water and Sewer Commission shall be incorporated into the overall budget of the city.
   (D)   The accounts of the water and sewer systems and the records of the Commission shall be audited by a certified public accountant once a year and a copy of the audit filed with the City Clerk/Treasurer and the auditor of the city no later than October 15. The expense of the annual audit shall be charged to the operation account of the system.
   (E)   The Commission is specifically authorized and directed to enforce the regular and prompt collection of revenue due from patrons for the water and sewer services. It is also specifically authorized and directed to discontinue the service if any patron who fails to pay the accounts due for services, and to fix a reasonable charge for restoration of service.
(1986 Code; Ord. 93-03-11, passed 3-11-93; Am. Ord. 96-2-1, passed 2-1-96)