§ 22.301 MEMBERS; TERM
   (A)   The business and affairs of the water system and sewer system, subject to the limitations contained in this subchapter, shall be exclusively supervised, managed, and controlled on behalf of the city by the Municipal Water and Sewer Commission consisting of five (5) members. The Mayor shall be a voting member and shall act as Chairman; a member of the City Council, to be designated by the City Council from among its members and approved by the Mayor, shall be a voting member; and three (3) voting members shall be appointed by the Mayor, by and with the approval of the City Council. These three (3) members shall be appointed and shall qualify and serve as follows:
      (1)   The Mayor shall appoint three (3) persons who reside or are engaged in the business in the city and who are at least 25 years of age.
      (2)   The three (3) appointed members shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor. The member from the City Council shall serve at the pleasure of the Council and shall be removed by the Mayor on the recommendation of the Council.
   (B)   The three (3) appointed members of the Commission shall serve for a term of three (3) years. However, the members of the first Commission under this chapter as amended, other than the Mayor and Council Member, shall serve for the term of one (1), two (2), and three (3) years as appointed by the Mayor. Any Commissioner shall be eligible for reappointment upon the expiration of his term. The term of the Mayor and Council Member shall coincide as a member of the Commission with his term as Mayor or Council Member of the city.
   (C)   In the event of a vacancy and prior to or upon the expiration of the term of office of any appointed Commissioner, a successor shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the approval of the City Council. Any Commissioner may resign. Any Commissioner other than the Mayor and Council Member shall be deemed to have automatically resigned upon becoming a candidate for any public office or upon receiving an appointment to public office. All vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term and all other appointments shall be for a term of three (3) years, and all appointments shall continue until the successors have qualified.
(1986 Code; Ord. 93-03-11, passed 3-11-93; Am. Ord. 96-2-1, passed 2-1-96)