For the purpose of this article the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   "HOLD." A full hold is placed on property which is known to be stolen. The hold makes the property evidence which cannot be sold by the pawn shop unless authorized by the officer placing the hold or the court. The property will remain with the pawn shop pending adjudication of the case unless confiscated by court order.
   "INVESTIGATIVE HOLD." A temporary hold placed on property suspected of being stolen. The property under an investigative hold will not be sold by the pawn shop. The officer placing such a hold must either release the hold or change it to a full hold within ten (10) consecutive days of the date of placing the hold. The purpose of the investigative hold is to make efforts to positively identify the property as stolen.
   "PAWNBROKER." Any person who loans money on deposit of personal property; deals in the purchase of personal property on condition of selling the property back again at a stipulated price; makes a public display at his place of business of the sign generally used by pawnbrokers to denote their business; or who publicly exhibits a sign advertising money to loan on personal property or deposit.
(1986 Code; Am. Ord. - -, passed - -87)