(A)   If any employer fails to or is not required to withhold, report, or pay the License Fee it shall become the duty of the employee to file with the tax district. The payment required to be made by an employee, can be made quarterly, for the periods ending March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31 of each year, or at any time the employee wishes to make an estimated payment for the year in which wages are earned. All license fees must be received by February 28 for the preceding calendar year, together with a copy of the employee's W-2 form. Employers not required to withhold, report or pay the license fee must annually during the month of January of each year, make a return to the tax district, in which is set forth the name and social security number of each employee of the employer during the preceding calendar year, giving the amount of gross salaries, gross wages, commissions or other gross compensation earned during such preceding year by each such employee. This list shall include all current full time employees, part time employees, temporary employees, and terminated employees whether it be voluntary or involuntary.
   (B)   It shall be the responsibility of persons who make Federal 1099 “non employee compensation” payments to natural persons other than employees for services performed within Shelby County, Kentucky, to maintain records of such payment and to report such payments to the tax district. Said payment must be reported on by remitting Federal Form 1099 by February 28 of the year following the close of the calendar year in which the non employee compensation was paid. Form 1099 requires that non employee compensation payments of six hundred dollars ($600.00) or more be reported. If a business entity or natural person is not required to remit Federal 1099's to the IRS, they are still liable to remit the equivalent information to the tax district. The information required to be reported by the licensee shall include:
      (1)   Payer's name, address, social security and/or Federal identification number.
      (2)   Recipient's name and address.
      (3)   Recipient's social security or Federal identification number.
      (4)   Amount of non employee compensation paid in the calendar year.
      (5)   Amount of non employee compensation earned in Shelby County for the calendar year.
(Ord. 2008-06-05(B), passed 6-5-08)