(A)   Multiple contracts. Multiple contracts may be awarded on the basis of a single invitation for bids or after competitive negotiations when it is determined in writing by the city, in advance of the invitation for bids or the advertisement and solicitation for proposals for competitive negotiations, that the award of multiple contracts is in the best interest of the city, provided its needs are met at a reasonable cost. A determination and notice to potential offerors that multiple contracts may be awarded for any procurement shall not preclude the award of a single contract for the procurement.
   (B)   Partial contracts. When it is determined after evaluation of competitive bids or the close of competitive negotiations, that acceptable bids or offers have been received for only parts of the requirements of the procurement, the following may occur:
      (1)   A contract may be awarded for the parts of the procurement for which acceptable bids or offers have been received.
      (2)   All bids or offers may be rejected and a new invitation for bids or request for proposals based on the same or revised terms, conditions, and specifications may be issued.
      (3)   All bids found unacceptable for parts of the procurement may be rejected and an invitation for bids or request for proposals, based on the same or revised terms, conditions, and specifications for the parts of the procurement for which no acceptable bids were received may be issued.
(1986 Code)