(A) When signs are erected giving notice thereof, drivers of vehicles shall yield the right-of-way at intersections before entering any of the following streets. This schedule is not to be held conclusive.
Street | Description | Ord. No. |
Street | Description | Ord. No. |
Elliott | North side of Mechanic St. to north side of Washington Ave. | |
Evans | East side of Miller St. to west side of Jefferson Ave. | |
Fair Ave. | East side of Morris Ave. to east side of Frank St. | |
Jefferson Ave. | West side of Harrison Ave. to north side of McKinley St. | |
Mechanic | East side of Elliott St. to west side of Miller St. | |
Parker Ave. and Third St. | East side of Miller Ave. to west side of Miller St. | |
Pennsylvania | West side of Miller St. to west side of Harrison St. | |
Van Ave. | East side of Harrison Ave. to east side of Blanchard St., except Noble St. | |
(B) When signs are erected giving notice thereof, drivers of vehicles shall yield the right-of-way before entering any of the following intersections. This schedule is not to be held conclusive.
Intersection Description | Ord. No.
Intersection Description | Ord. No.
Blanchard Street at Van Avenue | |
Center Street at Howard Street | 1507 |
Center Street at Van Avenue | |
Conrey Street at Franklin Street | |
Conrey Street at Mechanic Street | |
Elizabeth Street at Pike Street | |
Evans Street at Elm Street | |
Evans Street at Jefferson Street or Avenue | |
Fifth Street at State Street | |
Fourth Street at Jefferson Street | |
Fourth Street at Jefferson Street or Avenue | |
Poe Street at Fair Avenue | |
Howard Street at Blanchard Street | |
Mary Street at Fair Avenue | |
Mechanic Street at Elliott Street | |
Parker Street at Lincoln Street | |
Parker Street at Revollo Street | |
West Street at Pennsylvania Street | |
Pike Street at Van Avenue | |
St. Marys Street at Pennsylvania Street | |
Third Street at State Street | |
Willow Drive at Hemlock Street | |
(`81 Code, Chapter 76, Sch. II) (Ord. 1507, passed 9-8-70)