(A)   When signs are erected giving notice thereof, drivers of vehicles shall yield the right-of-way at intersections before entering any of the following streets. This schedule is not to be held conclusive.
Ord. No.
Ord. No.
North side of Mechanic St. to north side of Washington Ave.
East side of Miller St. to west side of Jefferson Ave.
Fair Ave.
East side of Morris Ave. to east side of Frank St.
Jefferson Ave.
West side of Harrison Ave. to north side of McKinley St.
East side of Elliott St. to west side of Miller St.
Parker Ave. and Third St.
East side of Miller Ave. to west side of Miller St.
West side of Miller St. to west side of Harrison St.
Van Ave.
East side of Harrison Ave. to east side of Blanchard St., except Noble St.
   (B)   When signs are erected giving notice thereof, drivers of vehicles shall yield the right-of-way before entering any of the following intersections. This schedule is not to be held conclusive.
Intersection Description
Ord. No.
Intersection Description
Ord. No.
Blanchard Street at Van Avenue
Center Street at Howard Street
Center Street at Van Avenue
Conrey Street at Franklin Street
Conrey Street at Mechanic Street
Elizabeth Street at Pike Street
Evans Street at Elm Street
Evans Street at Jefferson Street or Avenue
Fifth Street at State Street
Fourth Street at Jefferson Street
Fourth Street at Jefferson Street or Avenue
Poe Street at Fair Avenue
Howard Street at Blanchard Street
Mary Street at Fair Avenue
Mechanic Street at Elliott Street
Parker Street at Lincoln Street
Parker Street at Revollo Street
West Street at Pennsylvania Street
Pike Street at Van Avenue
St. Marys Street at Pennsylvania Street
Third Street at State Street
Willow Drive at Hemlock Street
(`81 Code, Chapter 76, Sch. II) (Ord. 1507, passed 9-8-70)