(A)   For the purpose of this subchapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   APPROVED PLANS. Plans approved by the authorized official according to a permit and plan review which will govern all improvements made within the city that require a stormwater system or changes or alterations to the existing stormwater system.
   AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL. Any employee or agent of the city authorized in writing by the Board to administer or enforce the provisions of this subchapter.
   BOARD. The Board of Public Works and Safety of the city.
   CITY. The incorporated City of Shelbyville, Shelby County, Indiana.
   CODE. The City of Shelbyville, Indiana Municipal Code.
   COMPOSITE COVERAGE VALUE. The runoff coefficient equal to the weighted average value for the total area calculated from a breakdown of individual areas having different surface types. Guidance for selection on individual runoff coefficients is provided by Table 2 of § 50.105 which shows values for different types of surfaces.
   COVERAGE FACTOR. The part of the non- residential rate equation representing the amount of impervious area on a particular parcel. For purpose of this division, each parcel shall be assigned to one of the three following categories:
      (1)   Low. The composite coverage value is equal to or less than 0.4, when calculated for a subject parcel;
      (2)   Mid. The composite coverage value is more than 0.4 but 0.7 or less; or
      (3)   High. The composite coverage value is more than 0.7.
   DETENTION. The temporary storage of stormwater runoff in a basin, pond or other structure to control the peak discharge rates by holding the stormwater for a period of time and which provides some gravity settling of particulates.
   DEVELOPED PROPERTY. Any lot or parcel of land altered from its natural state by the construction, creation or addition of impervious area, except public streets and highways.
   DIRECTOR. The Shelbyville Utilities Office Director, Shelbyville, Indiana.
   DISCHARGE. Any direct or indirect entry of any solid, liquid or gaseous matter.
   DWELLING UNIT. A group of rooms that are used or are intended to be used by one household primarily for living, sleeping, cooking and eating, or as classified by the Building Code of the City of Shelbyville, Indiana.
   ERU. A value calculated for non-residential properties by multiplying the Size Factor Coverage Factor Z-Factor.
   IMPERVIOUS AREA. Any part of any developed parcel of land that has been modified by the action of persons to reduce the land’s natural ability to absorb and hold rainfall. This includes any hard surface area which either prevents or retards the entry of water into the soil mantle as it entered under natural conditions pre-existent to development. By way of example, common impervious areas include, but are not limited to, roof tops, walkways, patios, driveways, parking lots or storage areas, concrete or asphalt paving, gravel roads, or any cleared, graded, paved, graveled, or compacted surface or packed earthen materials, or areas covered with structures or other surfaces which similarly impede the natural infiltration of surface water into the soil mantle.
   MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. A lot or parcel of land on which is situated a building containing five or more dwelling units, or on which two or more buildings containing multiple dwelling units are situated.
   NON-RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. All properties not encompassed within the definition of RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY, including, but not limited to: commercial, industrial, retail, multi- family residential, governmental, institutional, schools and churches.
   NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES). The regulations for storm water discharges as described in 40 CFR Parts 122, 123 and 124, as amended.
   PARCEL. The smallest separately segregated lot, unit or plot of land having an identified owner, boundaries and surface areas which is documented for property tax purposes by the Addison Township (Shelby County, Indiana) or Shelby County (Indiana) Assessor.
   PEAK DISCHARGE. The maximum rate of flow of water passing a given point during or after a rainfall event.
   PERSON. Any natural individual, corporation, partnership, institution or other entity.
   RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. Any lot or parcel existing in the city on which a single building or mobile home is situated, containing up to and including four dwelling units.
   RESIDENTIAL UNIT (RU). The basic unit for the computation of stormwater utility user fees. Each developed residential property shall be assigned one RU.
   SITE OF INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITY. Any area or facility used for manufacturing, processing or raw materials storage, as defined under 40 CFR § 122.26(a)(14) of the regulations of the Environmental Protection Agency, as amended.
   SIZE FACTOR. The part of the non-residential rate equation representing the amount of surface area on a particular parcel. The basic unit of calculation shall be one-tenth of one acre, or 4,356 square feet, and all calculations shall be rounded to the nearest one-tenth. For purpose of this subchapter, each parcel shall be assigned to one of four categories:
      (1)   Minimal. The parcel is made up of equal to or less than one acre;
      (2)   Small. The parcel is made up of more than one acre but less than three acres;
      (3)   Medium. The parcel is made up of more than one acres but less than ten acres; or
      (4)   Large. The parcel is made up of at least ten acres.
   STORMWATER. The chemical compound of hydrogen and oxygen which is produced from atmospheric clouds as rain, snow, sleet or hail.
   STORMWATER SYSTEM. All constructed facilities, including structures and natural watercourses under the ownership and/or control of the city, used for collecting and conducting stormwater to, through and from drainage areas to the point of final outlet, including, but not limited to, any and all of the following: inlets, conduits and appurtenant features, creeks, channels, catch basins, ditches, streams, streets, culverts, retention or detention basins and pumping stations; and excluding therefrom, any part of the system of drains and watercourses under the jurisdiction of the Shelby County Drainage Board or waters of the State of Indiana.
   STORMWATER UTILITY USER. The owner of a lot of parcel within the city.
   STORMWATER UTILITY USER FEE. A charge imposed on users in the city’s STORMWATER SYSTEM.
   SURFACE WATER. Water occurring on the surface of the land from natural causes such as rainfall, whether falling on the land in question or flowing onto the land in question.
   UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY. Property which has not been altered from its natural state by the addition of any improvements, such as a building, structure or impervious surface, change of grade or landscaping. For new construction, property shall be considered developed pursuant to this subchapter:
      (1)   Upon issuance of a certificate of occupancy, or upon completion of construction or final inspection if no such certificate is issued; or
      (2)   Where construction is at least 50% complete and construction is halted for a period of three months.
   Z-FACTOR. The part of the non-residential rate equation indicative of the multiplier used for non- residential property.
   (B)   The word “shall” is mandatory and not discretionary. The word “may” is permissive. Words not defined in this section shall be construed to have the meanings given by common and ordinary use as defined in the latest edition of Webster’s Dictionary.
(Ord. 03-2461, passed 6-16-03; Am. Ord. 06-2568, passed 5-15-06)