Summarize the effects of the proposed subdivision on each topic below. Provide responses to the following questions and provide reference materials as required:
   A.   Effects On Agriculture:
      1.   Is the proposed subdivision or associated improvements located on or near prime farmland or farmland of statewide importance as defined by the natural resource conservation service? If so, identify each area on a copy of the preliminary plat.
      2.   Describe whether the subdivision would remove from production any agricultural or timber land.
      3.   Describe possible conflicts with nearby agricultural operations (e.g., residential development creating problems for moving livestock, operating farm machinery, maintaining water supplies, controlling weeds or applying pesticides; agricultural operations suffering from vandalism, uncontrolled pets or damaged fences).
      4.   Describe possible nuisance problems which may arise from locating a subdivision near agricultural or timber lands.
      5.   Describe effects the subdivision would have on the value of nearby agricultural lands.
   B.   Effects On Agricultural Water User Facilities:
      1.   Describe conflicts the subdivision would create with agricultural water user facilities (e.g., residential development creating problems for operating and maintaining irrigation systems) and whether agricultural water user facilities would be more subject to vandalism or damage because of the subdivision.
      2.   Describe possible nuisance problems which the subdivision would generate with regard to agricultural water user facilities (e.g., safety hazards to residents or water problems from irrigation ditches, head gates, siphons, sprinkler systems, or other agricultural water user facilities).
   C.   Effects On Local Services:
      1.   Indicate the proposed use and number of lots or spaces in each:
    Residential, single-family
   Residential, multiple-family
   Types of multiple-family structures and number of each (e.g., duplex, 4-plex)
   Planned unit development (number of units)
   Condominium (number of units)
   Mobile home park
   Recreational vehicle park
   Commercial or industrial
   Other (please describe)    
      2.   Describe the additional or expanded public services and facilities that would be demanded of local government or special districts to serve the subdivision.
         a.   Describe additional costs which would result for services such as roads, bridges, law enforcement, parks and recreation, fire protection, water, sewer and solid waste systems, schools or busing (including additional personnel, construction, and maintenance costs).
         b.   Who would bear these costs (e.g., all taxpayers within the jurisdiction, people within special taxing districts, or users of a service)?
         c.   Can the service providers meet the additional costs given legal or other constraints (e.g., statutory ceilings on mill levies or bonded indebtedness)?
         d.   Describe off site costs or costs to other jurisdictions may be incurred (e.g., development of water sources or construction of a sewage treatment plant; costs borne by a nearby municipality).
      3.   Describe how the subdivision allows existing services, through expanded use, to operate more efficiently, or makes the installation or improvement of services feasible (e.g., allow installation of a central water system, or upgrading a country road).
      4.   What is the present tax revenue received from the unsubdivided land?
         a.   By the county $               
         b.   By the municipality, if applicable $               
         c.   By the school(s) $               
      5.   Provide the approximate revenues received by each above taxing authority if the lots are reclassified, and when the lots are all improved and built upon. Describe any other taxes that would be paid by the subdivision and into what funds (e.g., personal property taxes on mobile/manufactured homes are paid into the county general fund).
      6.   Would new taxes generated from the subdivision cover additional public costs?
      7.   How many special improvement districts would be created which would obligate local government fiscally or administratively? Are any boding plans proposed which would affect the local government's bonded indebtedness?
   D.   Effects On Historic Or Natural Environment:
      1.   Describe and locate on a plat overlay or sketch map known or possible historic, paleontological, archaeological or cultural sites, structures, or objects which may be affected by the proposed subdivision.
      2.   How would the subdivision affect surface and ground water, soils, slopes, vegetation, historical or archaeological features within the subdivision or on adjacent land? Describe plans to protect these sites.
         a.   Would any stream banks or lake shorelines be altered, streams rechanneled or any surface water contaminated from sewage treatment systems, runoff carrying sedimentation, or concentration of pesticides or fertilizers?
         b.   Would ground water supplies likely be contaminated or depleted as a result of the subdivision?
         c.   Would construction of roads or building sites require cuts and fills on steep slopes or cause erosion on unstable, erodible soils? Would soils be contaminated by sewage treatment systems?
         d.   Describe the impacts that removal of vegetation would have on soil erosion, bank, or shoreline instability.
         e.   Would the value of significant historical, visual, or open space features be reduced or eliminated?
         f.   Describe possible natural hazards the subdivision could be subject to (e.g., natural hazards such as flooding, rock, snow or land slides, high winds, severe wildfires, or difficulties such as shallow bedrock, high water table, unstable or expansive soils, or excessive slopes).
      3.   How would the subdivision affect visual features within the subdivision or on adjacent land? Describe efforts to visually blend the proposed development with the existing environment (e.g., use of appropriate building materials, colors, road design, underground utilities, and revegetation of earthworks).
   E.   Effects On Wildlife And Wildlife Habitat:
      1.   Describe what impacts the subdivision or associated improvements would have on wildlife areas such as big game wintering range, migration routes, nesting areas, wetlands, or important habitat for rare or endangered species.
      2.   Describe the effect that pets or human activity would have on wildlife.
   F.   Effects On Public Health And Safety:
      1.   Describe any health or safety hazards on or near the subdivision, such as: natural hazards, lack of water, drainage problems, heavy traffic, dilapidated structures, high pressure gas lines, high voltage power lines, or irrigation ditches. These conditions, proposed or existing should be accurately described with their origin and location identified on a copy of the preliminary plat.
      2.   Describe how the subdivision would be subject to hazardous conditions due to high voltage lines, airports, highways, railroads, dilapidated structures, high pressure gas lines, irrigation ditches, and adjacent industrial or mining uses.
      3.   Describe land uses adjacent to the subdivision and how the subdivision will affect the adjacent land uses. Identify existing uses such as feedlots, processing plants, airports or industrial firms which could be subject to lawsuits or complaints from residents of the subdivision.
      4.   Describe public health or safety hazards, such as dangerous traffic, fire conditions, or contamination of water supplies which would be created by the subdivision. (Ord. 784, 8-6-2007)