A person seeking issuance of a permit hereunder shall file an application for such permit with the Building Inspector.
   (a)    Form. The application for the moving of a building into, within, through or from the City shall be made on forms provided by the Building Inspector and shall be filed in the office of the Building Inspector.
   (b)    Contents. The application shall set forth:
      (1)    A description of the building proposed to be moved, its street number, construction materials, exterior dimensions and height, number of rooms and condition of exterior and interior and sufficient structural information so that the Building Inspector may determine that the building, when moved, will comply with this Building Code;
      (2)    A description of the lot from which the building is to be moved, if located in the City;
      (3)    A description of the lot, if located within the City, to which it is proposed such building be moved to, giving lot, block and tract number;
      (4)    A plot plan showing the proposed location of the building when moved, if the building is to be moved to a location within the City;
      (5)    The highways, streets and alleys over, along or across which the building is proposed to be moved;
      (6)    The proposed moving date and hours;
      (7)    Photographs of all four elevations of the building;
      (8)    Any additional information which the Building Inspector finds necessary for a thorough inspection of the building and a fair determination of whether a permit should be issued.
   (c)    Accompanying Papers.
      (1)    Tax certificate. The owner of the building to be moved, if such building prior to moving is located within the City, shall file with the application sufficient evidence that the building and lot from which it is to be removed are free of encumbrances and that all current taxes and any City current charges or assessments against the same are paid in full.
      (2)    Certificate of ownership or entitlement. The applicant, if other than the owner, shall file with the application a written statement or bill of sale signed by the owner, or other sufficient evidence that he is entitled to move the building.
      (3)    Utility consents. Where utility companies supplying services to the City will be affected, the applicant shall file with his application suitable letters of clearance of such utility companies consenting to the removal. It is determined that the following utilities will be affected except when the removal is limited to a relocation on the same or an abutting lot and no portion of any City street will be entered upon:
Electric      (Ohio Edison Company)
            Telephone       (Lorain Telephone Company)
            Gas          (The Columbia Gas of Ohio Company)
             Railroads       (The Norfolk & Western Railroad
                     Company, only where moving route
                     crosses tracks)
            Water and Sewer    (City of Sheffield Lake)
         (Ord. 88-69. Passed 9-23-69.)
   (d)    Fees.
      (1)    The application shall be accompanied by an inspection fee in the amount of fifty dollars ($50.00). The applicant shall make arrangements to afford an adequate inspection when initially made. Should the applicant fail to do this and thus necessitate additional inspections, the Building Inspector is authorized to require an additional fifty dollars ($50.00) inspection fee for each such additional inspection necessary.
      (2)    The application shall also be accompanied by a permit fee in the amount of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00).
      (3)    The permit issued and fees charged pursuant to this chapter shall not be considered as a permit or license to install or erect the structure moved, and any person moving a building shall obtain all permits and pay all applicable fees required by this Building Code for new construction to the same extent as if he were erecting a new building.
      (4)    The applicant shall submit to the Division of Building Inspection a copy of excess load and weight permits secured from the State.