(a)   The rates to be charged for the storm water user fee for each equivalent residential unit shall be four dollars and eighty-five cents ($4.85) per month.
   (b)   The rate charged undisturbed property shall be determined by dividing the total square footage of the property by the square footage of an equivalent residential unit times a correction factor of 0.0% times the rate of an equivalent residential unit.
   (c)   The rates to be charged for nonresidential properties, i.e., all other occupants other than that provided for in subsection (a) and (b) herein, shall be the rate established in subsection (a) four dollars and eighty-five cents ($4.85.) multiplied by the number of equivalent residential units. The equivalent residential unit equals the total square footage of impervious area of the property divided by 2,275 square feet (statistically developed average for all single family residences in the City of Sheffield Lake). Equivalent residential units will be rounded to the nearest tenth (0.1) of a unit.
   (d)   Developer Contributions.
      (1)   Single family homes on single lots.
         A.   Any parcel that becomes developed must contribute up to $2,006 per each new home. As each building permit application is reviewed by the City, the City will determine the exact charge for each new home based on methodology developed by the City designed to establish an equitable fee in accordance with Chapter 943. The purpose of this charge is to collet the technically appropriate value from new development for facilities which have been previously constructed and maintained by the City.
         B.   When undeveloped land is converted to developed property, the City will determine which portions of the existing system are necessary to receive the stormwater runoff from this new development. When the developer provides facilities on the developed parcel and/or downstream conveyance/storage facilities, the contribution charge may be reduced. Reduction of the developer contribution fee will be determined by City Council upon the recommendation of the Stormwater Utility Appeal Board.
      (2)   Multiple dwelling units on single/multiple lots. When developments are proposed, a contribution for the downstream facilities will be calculated in a similar fashion as subsection (d)(1), above. The developer of a multiple dwelling unit project will present calculations to the City Engineer to document the downstream facility requirements in addition to the on-site facilities provided by the developer. The City Engineer will review these calculations to develop a specific charge per dwelling unit for necessary downstream facilities. The same process and methodology developed by the City and referred to in subsection (d)(1) will be utilized to support this evaluation.
   (e)   The foregoing rates shall become effective on and be applied to all bills rendered after June 1, 2000. (Ord. 35-00. Passed 5-9-00.)