The owners of noncommercial ice skating rinks within the City shall be entitled to sewer rate abatements for the sewer charge based on the quantity of water they utilize in the noncommercial ice skating rink. The Service Director shall establish procedures to implement the sewer rate abatement, provided however, such procedures shall provide as follows:
   (a)   The owners of such noncommercial ice skating rink shall contact the water department and arrange to have the water meter read by the City Water Department before and after the ice skating rink is filled. Such meter readings shall be used by the City to calculate the amount of water used to fill the rink and the Service Director shall make the appropriate adjustment of sewer charges for the owners for the period of time in which the ice skating rink was filled.
   (b)   Owners of noncommercial ice skating rinks may apply for one credit per year.
   (c)   The owner must, when draining said ice skating rink, provide that the water does not drain into the City sanitary sewer system or drain or flow into neighboring property.
      (Ord. 61-03. Passed 12-9-03.)