   (a)   No ditch, culvert, or other waterway within the City shall be tiled, piped, or otherwise covered without the individual, corporation or other entity intending to tile, pipe or cover such ditch, culvert, or waterway first obtaining a permit from the City through its Service Director or the designee of the Service Director. The party requesting the permit shall pay a minimum fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) and shall further pay any other cost incurred by the City in processing the request for permit.
   (b)   The party requesting the permit shall present, for consideration by the Service Director, detailed plans and specifications of the tiling, piping or covering they are requesting.
   (c)   The Service Director or the Service Director’s designee shall utilize the services of the City Engineer, if the Service Director or the designee of the Service Director determines that said services are appropriate to be used for the best interests of the City in determining whether or not a permit should be granted for the tiling, piping or covering of any ditch, culvert or waterway within the City.
   (d)   The provisions of this section are in addition to and do not and are not intended to in any way repeal or modify any presently existing ordinances within the City.
   (e)   Any individual, corporation or other entity who violates any provision of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree. Further, any violations of this section shall cause the violator to be required to remove the wrongfully installed tile, piping or other covering and to restore the ditch, culvert or other waterway to its condition immediately prior to the wrongful installation of tile, pipe or other covering. “Wrongful installing” as used int his section shall include but shall not be limited to installing without a properly issued permit. (Ord. 13-95. Passed 2-28-95.)