(a) The initial installation of any gutter, ditch, sewer or other drain located upon any public thoroughfare or way within the City shall be the responsibility of the property owner of the property benefitted by and adjacent to such gutter, ditch, sewer or other drain subject to compliance with the instructions of, specifications set by, and grade set by the City.
(b) The cleaning of and/or removal of obstructions from any such gutter, ditch, sewer or other drain, once installed, shall be the responsibility of the property owner of the property benefitted by and adjacent to the gutter, ditch, sewer or other drain subject to compliance with the instructions of, specifications set by, and grade set by, the City. The maintenance, including the regrading, if necessary of any such gutter, ditch, sewer or other drain, once installed, shall be the responsibility of the City. The relocation of any such gutter, ditch, sewer or other drain, once installed, shall be the responsibility of the property owner of the property benefitted by and adjacent to the gutter, ditch, sewer or other drain subject to compliance with the instructions of, specifications set by and grade set by, the City unless such relocation is done at the request of the City, in which case the responsibility shall be that of the City. (Ord. 44-93. Passed 4-27-93.)