(a)   No person, business corporation or other entity of any type or kind whatsoever shall sell, provide, give or cause to be sold, to any person under the age of eighteen years, nonalcoholic beer, near-beer, or any malt beverage with any alcoholic content, however much reduced, except that a parent, legal guardian or spouse, who is not under the age of eighteen years may provide or give a nonalcoholic beer or near-beer or any malt beverage with an alcoholic content to their children, or ward, or spouse, so long as such child, ward or spouse consumes the product in the presence of the parent, legal guardian or spouse.
   (b)   No individual under the age of eighteen years shall possess a nonalcoholic beer, near-beer or any malt beverage with any alcoholic content however much reduced, except as set forth in subsection (a) hereof.
   (c)   Any individual who violates any provision of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree. (Ord. 117-92. Passed 12-22-92.)