Unless specifically governed by Chapter 1117, the following general requirements will apply to all requests to amend the Zoning District Map:
   (a)   Initiation by Ordinance. Proposed amendments may be initiated by the Village Council by Ordinance, or by motion of the Planning Commission to Village Council to create such legislation.
   (b)   Initiation by Application. Proposed amendments may be initiated by the owners of land, or his or her designee(s), that is proposed to be changed by amendment of the Zoning District Map.
    (c)   If initiated by application, a complete application form and fee shall be filed with the Code Enforcement Officer.
      (1)   Application. The application for any proposed change or amendment shall contain:
         A.    Name, address, phone number of applicant and property owner.
         B.    A statement describing the current section(s) of the Zoning Ordinance, or the district boundaries of the Zoning district Map that the applicant wishes to have changed or modified, as well as the applicant's specific recommendations for said change.
         C.    Legal description of the property.
         D.    A statement of the relation of the proposed change or amendment to the general health, safety, and welfare of the public in terms of need or appropriateness within the area by reason of changed or changing conditions and the relation to appropriate plans for the area.
         E.    A list of owners and their mailing addresses of property within and contiguous to and directly across the street from such area proposed to be rezoned. Such lists to be in accordance with the Delaware County Auditor's current tax list.
         F.    A plot plan drawn to scale drawing:
            1.   Shape and dimensions of the lot with front, rear and side yard dimensions shown.
            2.   Exact size, location and dimensions of existing or proposed structures or of proposed alteration.
            3.   Traffic access and parking.
            4.   Notations of existing trees and other significant site vegetation.
            5.   Any additional information as required by the Mayor, Zoning Officer, or Mayor's designee.
         G.    Additional information as detailed in the Village Rezoning Application form packet, which packets shall be made available at the Village Office.
            (Ord. 23-2015. Passed 8-24-15.)