(a) The Wastewater Facilities User Charges shall be established by such ordinances adopted by the Council, signed by the Mayor and attested to by the Village Clerk. The adopted user charges along with the previous year’s expense records will be used to determine the upcoming fiscal year budget for the operation, management, maintenance, replacement, and debt service for the wastewater facilities. The user charges shall be adjusted as deemed necessary to provide sufficient fund for the budgeted expenses and debt service.
(b) The Board or Administrator is required to manage and operate the sanitary sewer system in accordance with the provisions set forth herein. The Board or Administrator will provide the estimated probable expenses for the facility’s operation and maintenance over the next year for the development of annual budgets. The Village BPA Clerk or Village Clerk will be responsible for the billing of and subsequent collection of monthly service, use charges, and capacity fees. The Village Clerk and the Board or Administrator, will also prepare the annual wastewater facilities budget in regards to anticipated revenues and required debt service and facilities replacement fund accounts. The balanced budgets will then be submitted to the Village Council for approval.
(Ord. 12-2001. Passed 9-10-01; Ord. 12-2009. Passed 6-22-09.)
(c) All supplies and/or services for the wastewater facilities, which necessitates the utilization of vendors, consultants, and contractors, shall be approved by the Board or Administrator. Funds for these supplies and/or services shall be certified by the Board or Administrator and the Village Clerk/Treasurer prior to entering into agreements with those businesses.
(d) The Village Clerk/Treasurer will be responsible for maintaining the wastewater facilities financial records in an orderly fashion. A filing system and billing/accounting system will be established by the BPA Clerk or Village Clerk and the Board or Administrator prior to start- up. The BPA Clerk or Village Clerk will prepare and distribute all necessary quarterly and annual reports to the applicable governmental agencies. The wastewater facilities budget will be submitted to USDA/Rural Development for approval prior to the beginning of each fiscal year. All audits performed by the State Auditor’s Office will be performed in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards. Audit reports will be distributed to all necessary governmental agencies and all records of the Village will be open to inspection by the applicable governmental agencies.
(e) The overlying responsibility for the fiscal control, budget preparation, and maintenance of insurance and bonds remain with the Board of Public Affairs or Village Administrator.
(Ord. 12-2001. Passed 9-10-01.)