(A)   (1)   No money shall be disbursed from the town’s treasury, except on order of the Board of Commissioners in session and then only after the item for which the disbursement is made has been provided for in the annual budget.
      (2)   The Commissioner in charge of a respective department shall approve the disbursement; provided, however, that, the approval by the Department Commissioner may be given at or prior to the regular Board meeting at which the bills are considered for payment or a special meeting called for the purpose of considering the payment of the bills.
      (3)   The Board in session with a quorum present may approve the expenditure of funds if a Department Commissioner is absent, conditioned upon the Commissioner’s subsequent approval.
(Ord. O-2-5-91, passed 2-5-1991)
   (B)   All checks or drafts shall be signed by the Town Clerk and countersigned by the Mayor or by another official designated by the Board of Commissioners.
(1988 Code, § 37.01)