For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY. Certification by the Board of Commissioners prior to the issue of a permit to operate a taxicab that public convenience and necessity requires or will be served by the operation of the taxicab.
DRIVER’S PERMIT. A permit issued after examination authorizing a person to drive a taxicab or limousine operating under this chapter.
LIMOUSINE CERTIFICATE. A permit or license issued to an individual who owns a motor vehicle to be used for hire in a passenger limousine service. Issuance of the license certifies that the owner has met all ordinance requirements for the operation of a limousine in the town.
OWNER. Any individual operating one or more taxicabs or limousines.
OWNER’S PERMIT. A license issued to an individual who owns a motor vehicle or taxicab to be used for hire and transporting passengers within the city. Issuance of the license constitutes a certificate of convenience and necessity.
TAXICAB, LIMOUSINE or VEHICLE FOR HIRE. A passenger motor vehicle, other than motor uses operating along regular routes and upon regular schedules, which shall be used for the purpose of carrying or transporting any person or persons from one place to another for which service a charge or fee is made.
TAXIMETER. A mechanical instrument or device attached to a taxicab by which the charge for the hire of a taxicab and its corresponding waiting time at a predetermined rate is mechanically calculated and registered for the distance traveled and the period of time awaited and upon which the charges shall be identified by means of figures clearly visible for the passenger’s information.
(Ord. O-1-5-93, passed - -)