The town of Sharpsburg, made a body politic and corporate by this Act, shall have perpetual succession, may use a common seal, may sue and be sued, may contract and be contracted with, plea and be impleaded in all courts and places, and in all matters whatever: may take, hold, and purchase lands as may be needed for the corporate purposes of said town, and may sell any real estate and personal property owned by it perform and render all public services, when deemed expedient; may condemn property for public uses, and may hold, manage and control the same, such condemnation proceedings to be governed and controlled by the board of commissioners; and shall be subject to all the duties and obligations now pertaining to or incumbent upon said town as a corporation, not in conflict with the provisions of this act; and shall enjoy all the rights, immunities, powers, privileges, and franchises now possessed by said town and herein granted and conferred, or granted and conferred by the general law. When any land or right of way shall be required for the purpose of opening new streets or for widening those already opened, or for other public use allowed by this charter, and for want of agreement as to the compensation therefor, and the same cannot be purchased from the owner or owners, the same may be taken by a valuation to be made by three freeholders of the town, one to be chosen by the property owners and one to be chosen by the board of commissioners, and if these two cannot agree, they to choose a third person; and in making said valuation said freeholders, after being duly sworn by the mayor or justice of the peace or clerk of a court of record or other person authorized to administer oaths shall take into consideration the loss or damage which may accrue to the owner in consequence of the land or right of way being surrendered, also any benefits or advantages such owner may receive from the opening or widening of such street or other improvements, and ascertain the sum which shall be paid to the owner of said property, and report the same, under their hands and seals, to the board of commissioners, which report, on being confirmed by the board of commissioners and spread upon their minutes, shall have the effect of a judgment against said board of commissioners and shall pass title to the board of commissioners in their corporate capacities of the lands so taken, and the land may at once be condemned and used by the town for the purpose intended: Provided, if any person whose land is thus taken or the board of commissioners be dissatisfied with the valuation that is made, then in that case either party may have an appeal to the next Superior Court of the county in which said land is situate: Provided further, however, that such appeal shall not hinder or delay the board of commissioners from opening or widening such street or creating such other improvements.