For the purpose of this chapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ACCESS CHANNELS. Those channels which, by the terms of this chapter or the franchise agreement, are required to be kept available by the franchisee for partial or total dedication to public access, educational access or local government access.
CABLE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM, CABLE SYSTEM, CATV or SYSTEM. A system of coaxial cables or other electrical conductors and equipment used or to be used to originate or receive television or radio signals directly or indirectly off the air and to transmit them via cable to subscribers for a fixed or variable fee, including the origination, receipt, transmission and distribution of voices, sound signals, pictures, visual images, digital signals, telemetry or any other type of closed circuit transmission by means of electrical impulses, whether or not directed to originating signals or receiving signals off the air.
FRANCHISE. Both the franchise granted pursuant to this chapter and the franchise agreement and all rights, powers and privileges thereunder.
FRANCHISE AGREEMENT. The separate agreement and ordinance by which the franchise is granted to the franchisee, as required by this chapter.
FRANCHISEE. All persons having any rights, powers, privileges, duties, liabilities or obligations under this chapter and the franchise agreement (herein collectively called the franchise) and also all persons having or claiming any title or interest in or to the system, whether by reason of the franchise itself or any subcontract, transfer, assignment, mortgage, pledge, hypothecation, security agreement, management agreement or operating agreement or otherwise arising or created.
GROSS SUBSCRIBER REVENUES. Those revenues derived from the service charges, installation fees, disconnect and reconnect fees and fees for regular cable benefits including the transmission of broadcast signals and access and origination channels, if any. It does not include revenues derived from per-program or per-channel charges, leased channel revenues, advertising revenues or any other income derived from the system.
PAY TV. An arrangement under which a charge is made to a subscriber for receiving a particular television program or series of programs.
PUBLIC AGENCY. An agency which is supported wholly or substantially, by public funds.
SUBSCRIBER. A person or organization whose premises are physically wired to receive any transmission from the system.
SUBSCRIBER SERVICE DROP. The extension wiring from the franchisee’s distribution lines to a subscriber’s building.
TOWN. The Town of Sharpsburg, North Carolina and all the territory within its existing and future territorial corporate limits.
USER. A person utilizing a system channel as a producer for purposes of production or transmission of material or as a subscriber, for purposes of receipt of material.
(1988 Code, § 111.02) (Ord. passed 10-2-1979)