Whenever any roadway has been divided into two or more clearly marked lanes for traffic, the following rules, in addition to all others not inconsistent therewith, shall apply:
(a) Driving Within Single Lane. A vehicle shall be driven as nearly as practicable entirely within a single lane and shall not be moved from the lane until the driver has first ascertained that the movement can be made with safety.
(b) Three Lane Roadways. Upon a roadway which is divided into three lanes and provides for two-way movement of traffic, a vehicle shall not be driven in any lane except that lane allocated exclusively to traffic moving in the same direction that has been designated by official traffic control devices.
(c) Prohibitions Against Changing Lanes. Official traffic control devices have been installed prohibiting the changing of lanes on sections of roadways and drivers of vehicles shall obey the directions of every such device.
(d) Lanes Limited to Specific Use. Official traffic control devices have been erected to restrict the use of specified lanes on the following roadways and drivers of vehicles shall obey the directions of every such device:
Addison Road and South Irvine Avenue
In a southerly direction from Emanuel Place to Addison Road:
Right-hand lane for straight through and right-hand turns only.
Center lane for straight through traffic only.
Left-hand lane for left-turn traffic only.
East Budd Street at South Dock Avenue
In a northerly direction for a distance of 200 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn traffic only.
Center lane for straight through and left-turn traffic only.
East Budd Street and Shenango Valley Freeway
In an easterly direction for a distance of 200 feet:
Right-hand lane for straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
Buhl Boulevard and Highland Road
In an easterly direction on Highland Road for a distance of 100 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
In a westerly direction on Highland Road for a distance of 100 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight throuth traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
In a northerly direction on Buhl Boulevard for a distance of 100 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
In a southerly direction on Buhl Boulevard for a distance of 100 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
East Clark Street and North Sharpsville Avenue
In a southerly direction on North Sharpsville Avenue for a distance of seventy-five feet:
Right lane for right-turn traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn and straight through traffic only.
In a northerly direction on North Sharpsville Avenue for a distance of seventy-five feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
Chestnut Avenue and East State Street
In a northerly direction on Chestnut Avenue for a distance of 100 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn traffic only.
Left lane for left-turn traffic only.
Chestnut Avenue and East Connelly Boulevard
In a southerly direction on Chestnut Avenue for a distance of 125 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
In an easterly direction on East Connelly Boulevard for a distance of 135 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
In a westerly direction on East Connelly Boulevard for a distance of ninety feet:
Right lane for right-turn traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn and straight through traffic only.
East Connelly Boulevard and South Dock Avenue
In a westerly direction on East Connelly Boulevard for a distance of seventy-five feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn and straight through traffic only.
In an easterly direction on East Connelly Boulevard for a distance of seventy-five feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
East Connelly Boulevard and South Sharpsville Avenue
In a southerly direction on South Sharpsville Avenue from Bank Place to East Connelly Boulevard:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
In an easterly direction on East Connelly Boulevard for a distance of 125 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn and straight through traffic only.
East Connelly Boulevard and Stambaugh Avenue
In a southerly direction on Stambaugh Avenue for a distance of 150 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
In a northerly direction on Stambaugh Avenue from Prindle Street to East Connelly Boulevard:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
In a westerly direction on East Connelly Boulevard for a distance of 125 feet :
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for straight through traffic only.
Left-hand lane for left-turn traffic only.
In an easterly direction on East Connelly Boulevard for a distance of 125 feet :
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for straight through traffic only.
Left lane for left-turn traffic only.
Division Street and Stambaugh Avenue
In a southerly direction on Stambaugh Avenue for a distance of 125 feet :
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
Highland Road and Forker Boulevard
In an easterly direction on Highland Road from North Myers Avenue to Forker Boulevard:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
In a westerly direction on Highland Road from Ashton Road to Forker Boulevard:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
In a southerly direction on Forker Boulevard for a distance of 200 feet :
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
In a northerly direction on Forker Boulevard for a distance of 200 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
North Sharpsville Avenue and Pitt Street
In an easterly direction on Pitt Street from North Dock Avenue to North Sharpsville Avenue:
Right-hand lane for right-turn traffic only.
Left-hand lane for left-turn traffic only.
North Sharpsville Avenue and East Silver Street
In a westerly direction on East Silver Street for a distance of 200 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
In a southerly direction on North Sharpsville Avenue for a distance of 150 feet :
Right-hand lane for right-turn traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn and straight through traffic only.
In a northerly direction on North Sharpsville Avenue for a distance of 200 feet :
Right-hand lane for right-turn traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn and straight through traffic only.
East Silver Street at Penn Avenue and River Avenue
In an easterly direction on East Silver Street for a distance of 100 feet :
Right-hand lane for right-turn traffic only.
In a westerly direction on East Silver Street:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Left-hand lane for left-turn traffic only.
Spencer Avenue and East Connelly Boulevard
In a southerly direction on Spencer Avenue for a distance of 130 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Left-hand lane for left-turn traffic only.
Spencer Avenue between East Connelly Boulevard and Memorial Boulevard
In a southerly direction on Spencer Avenue from East Connelly Boulevard to Memorial Boulevard:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Left-hand lane for left-turn traffic only.
East State Street at Buhl Boulevard
In a southerly direction on Buhl Boulevard for a distance of 100 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
In an easterly direction on East State Street from Smith Avenue to Buhl Boulevard:
Right-hand lane for straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
In a westerly direction on East State Street for a distance of 150 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn traffic only.
Center lane for straight through traffic only.
East State Street and Case Avenue
In an easterly direction on East State Street for a distance of 100 feet :
Right-hand lane for straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
East State Street and Dock Avenue
In a westerly direction on East State Street for a distance of 125 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
In an easterly direction on East State Street for a distance of 125 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
In a northerly direction on South Dock Avenue for a distance of 175 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
East State Street and Euclid Avenue
In an easterly direction on East State Street for a distance of 220 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
East State Street and Stambaugh Avenue
In a westerly direction on East State Street for a distance of 125 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
In a northerly direction on Stambaugh Avenue for a distance of 150 feet :
Right-hand lane for right-turn traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
East State Street and Forker Boulevard
In a westerly direction on East State Street for a distance of 100 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
In a southerly direction on Forker Boulevard for a distance of 150 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
East State Street and Spencer Avenue
In an easterly direction on East State Street from White Avenue to Spencer Avenue:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
In a northerly direction on Spencer Avenue for a distance of 150 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
East State Street and Jefferson Avenue
In an easterly direction on East State Street for a distance of 200 feet:
Right-hand lane for straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
East State Street and Oakland Avenue
In an easterly direction on East State Street from Buhl Court to Oakland Avenue:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
In a westerly direction on East State Street for a distance of 200 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
East State Street at Sharpsville Avenue
In an easterly direction on East State Street for a distance of 125 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
In a westerly direction on East State Street from Pine Avenue to Sharpsville Avenue:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic on17.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
In a southerly direction on North Sharpsville Avenue for a distance of 125 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
In a northerly direction on South Sharpsville Avenue from Grace Place to East State Street:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
East State Street and Shenango Avenue
In an easterly direction on East State Street for a distance of 200 feet:
Right-hand lane for straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
East State Street and Vine Avenue
In an easterly direction on East State Street from Chestnut Avenue to Vine Avenue:
Right-hand lane for straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
Thomas Street Connection and South Irvine Avenue - Shenango Valley Freeway
In a northerly direction on South Irvine Avenue - Shenango Valley Freeway from the Penna/Ohio State Line to the Thomas Street Connection:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for straight through traffic only.
Left-hand lane for left-turn traffic only.
West Budd Street and South Irvine Avenue
In a southerly direction on South Irvine Avenue for a distance of 200 feet:
Right-hand lane for straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
In a northerly direction on South Irvine Avenue for a distance of 115 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn traffic only.
Center lane for straight through traffic only
In a westerly direction on West Budd Street for a distance of seventy-five feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
West State Street and Irvine Avenue
In a westerly direction on West State Street for a distance of 200 feet: (from North Main Street to Irvine Avenue)
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
In a northerly direction on South Irvine Avenue for a distance of 200 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn and straight through traffic only.
South Irvine Avenue and West Connelly Boulevard
In a westerly direction on West Connelly Boulevard for a distance of 230 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
West Connelly Boulevard and Sterling Avenue
In a westerly direction on West Connelly Boulevard for a distance of 150 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
In a westerly direction on West Connelly Boulevard for a distance of 150 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
In a northerly direction on Sterling Avenue for a distance of 150 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn and straight through traffic into the Sharon City Centre (on West Connelly Boulevard).
West Connelly Boulevard and South Water Avenue
In an easterly direction on West Connelly Boulevard for a distance of 150 feet:
Right-hand lane for straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
In a westerly direction on West Connelly Boulevard for a distance of 100 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn traffic only.
Center lane for straight through traffic only.
East Connelly Boulevard and South Railroad Avenue
In an easterly direction on East Connelly Boulevard for a distance of seventy-five feet:
Right-hand lane for straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
North Sharpsville Avenue and Meek Street
In a northerly direction on North Sharpsville Avenue for a distance of 100 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn traffic only.
Center lane for straight through traffic only.
In a southerly direction on North Sharpsville Avenue for a distance of 100 feet:
Right-hand lane for straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
North Sharpsville Avenue and Hull Street
In a southerly direction on North Sharpsville Avenue for a distance of 100 feet:
Right-hand lane for straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
In a northerly direction on North Sharpsville Avenue for a distance of 100 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn traffic only.
Center lane for straight through traffic only.
West Connelly Boulevard and the west most south entrance to the Sharon City Centre
In an easterly direction on West Connelly Boulevard for a distance of 145 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
In a westerly direction on West Connelly Boulevard for a distance of 150 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn traffic only.
Center lane for straight through traffic only.
South Water Avenue at the entrance to the Sharon City Centre
In a southerly direction on South Water Avenue for a distance of 100 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn traffic only.
Center lane for straight through traffic only.
In a northerly direction on South Water Avenue for a distance of 100 feet:
Right-hand lane for straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
South Water Avenue and West State Street
In a northerly direction on South Water Avenue for a distance of 100 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn and straight through traffic only.
West Silver Street at North Water Avenue
In a westerly direction on West Silver Street for a distance of 100 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
Highland Road and Jefferson Avenue
In a westerly direction on Highland Road for a distance of 150 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
East Budd Street and South Dock Avenue
In a southerly direction on South Dock Avenue for a distance of 200 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Center lane for left-turn traffic only.
East Connelly Boulevard at South Dock Avenue
In a northerly direction on South Dock Avenue for a distance of 150 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Left-hand lane for left-turn traffic only.
East Connelly Boulevard and South Sharpsville Avenue and the Shenago Valley Freeway
In a westerly direction on East Connelly Boulevard for a distance of 150 feet:
Right-hand lane for right-turn and straight through traffic only.
Left-hand lane for left-turn traffic only.
In a northerly direction on the Shenango Valley Freeway:
Right-hand lane for right-turn traffic only.
Left-hand lane for left-turn and straight through traffic only.
(Ord. 4-78. Passed 2-22-78; Ord. 27-80. Passed 9-10-80; Ord. 46-80. Passed 11-12-80; Ord. 22-81. Passed 6-30-81; Ord. 25-81. Passed 9-23-81; Ord. 13-82. Passed 7-28-82; Ord. 3-88. Passed 3-30-88.)