The Recreation Commission shall act in an advisory capacity to the Sharon City Council and shall, in general, review, evaluate and, when appropriate, make recommendations regarding recreation development and administrative issues and those specific projects and developments that have a significant impact on recreational development and the quality of life in Sharon. The Recreation Commission shall have the following powers and duties:
   (a)   It shall review, evaluate and make recommendations to the Sharon City Council on applications for development of recreational programs to be administered by the City.
   (b)   It shall review, evaluate and make recommendations to the Sharon City Council on an annual recreation budget, including specific programs and projects detailed in the budget.
   (c)   It shall review and make recommendations to the Sharon City Council regarding City applications for state and federal grants and loans for community recreation programs and projects.
   (d)   It shall provide on-going monitoring of existing programs undertaken by the City.
   (e)   It shall make recommendations to the Sharon City Council regarding site development, land acquisition and land disposition necessary for the delivery of recreational programs and projects.
(Ord. 04-15. Passed 6-18-15.)