A. Permits Required:
1. It shall be unlawful to excavate or encroach upon the property of the village without first obtaining a permit so to do.
2. It shall be unlawful to make any connection or attachment to the water or sewer system of the village without first obtaining a permit so to do. (Ord. 124, 2-2-1971)
B. Certificate Of Inspection Required: It shall be unlawful to backfill any excavation on village property or any excavation on private property where there has been a connection or attachment to the village water or sewer system without first obtaining a certificate of inspection from the superintendent of public works or the zoning commissioner.
C. Enforcement: The superintendent of public works and the zoning commissioner are hereby designated the enforcing officers of the provisions of this section, and either shall issue the permit and certificate of inspection on a form to be provided by the village upon payment to the village of a five dollar ($5.00) fee for issuing said permit and making said inspection and a deposit of one hundred dollars ($100.00), to be refunded upon said excavation being properly backfilled or said connection being properly made, or to be retained by the village in the event of failure by an applicant to properly backfill or make such connection.
D. Penalty: Upon violation of this section by any person, firm, or corporation, reexcavation shall be made at the expense of such violators and the deposit of one hundred dollars ($100.00) shall be applied to such expense, and said violator shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty five dollars ($25.00) nor more than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) for each day such violation continues. (Ord. 124, 2-2-1971; amd. 2011 Code)