(A)   All licensees and any agent, manager or employee thereof shall immediately report to the Jackson County Sheriffs Department any disorderly act, conduct or disturbance and any unlawful activity committed in or on the licensed and permitted premises, including, but not limited to, any unlawful resale of marijuana, and shall also immediately report any such activity in the immediate vicinity of the business.
   (B)   Each licensee shall post and keep at all times visible to the public in a conspicuous place on the premises a sign with a minimum height of 14 inches and a minimum width of 11 inches with each letter to be a minimum of one-half inch in height, which shall read as follows:
The Jackson County Sheriffs Department and City Administrator must be notified of all disorderly acts, conduct or disturbances and all unlawful activities which occur on or within the premises of this licensed establishment.
   (C)   It shall not be a defense to a prosecution of a code enforcement action under this section that the licensee was not personally present on the premises at the time such unlawful activity, disorderly act, conduct or disturbance was committed; however, no agent or employee of the licensee shall be personally responsible for failing to report any disorderly act, conduct or disturbance and any unlawful activity hereunder if such agent, servant or employee was absent from the premises at the time such activity was committed.
(Ord. 270, passed 4-2-2015) Penalty, see § 116.99