Development review shall be conducted only for the developments listed in § 154.311. It shall be conducted as a Type I procedure, as described in § 154.377. Prior to issuance of building permits, the following standards shall be met:
   (A)   The proposed land use is permitted by the underlying land use district;
   (B)   The land use, building/yard setback, lot area, lot dimension, density, lot coverage, building height and other applicable standards of the underlying land use district and any subdistrict(s) are met;
   (C)   All applicable Building and Fire Code standards are met; and
   (D)   The approval shall lapse, and a new application shall be required, if a building permit has not been issued within one year of site review approval or if development of the site is in violation of the approved plan or other applicable codes.
(Ord. 225, passed 10-20-1994, § 24.3)