(A)   Condemnation. Before the City Council takes any action to condemn a building or structure designated as a historic building or structure, the Historic Review Board shall first review the structure's condition and restoration or preservation potential and provide a recommendation to the Council prior to a final decision.
   (B)   Records of demolished buildings. If a designated historic building is to be demolished, the city shall first:
      (1)   Attempt to gather a pictorial or graphic history of the building or site with any additional data as may be available;
      (2)   With permission of the owner, attempt to obtain artifacts from the building or site which it feels worthy of preservation. The items may be submitted to a museum or other appropriate location for safe keeping; and
      (3)   Notify persons or agencies, such as the Jacksonville Museum, Southern Oregon Historical Society and State Historic Preservation Office that may be interested in the significance of the building.
   (C)   Removal of historic designation. Removal of a historic site or building from the list of historic inventory map of the comprehensive plan shall be subject to the provisions of § 154.253 and shall include a public hearing by the Board.
   (D)   Signs and plaques. The owner of a designated historical building or structure, or a historically significant site, may install, or approve the installation of, an identification plaque or marker that indicates the name, date, architect or other appropriate information about the property; provided that, the size, materials, design, placement and text of the plaque or marker is approved by the Historic Review Board.
(Ord. 225, passed 10-20-1994, § 19.7)