(A)   In granting approval of a proposed Planned Unit Development, the Planning Commission shall find that the standards of this section, including the following criteria, are either met, can be met through conditions of approval, or are not applicable:
      (1)   The proposal is not in conflict with any goals, policies, or community development proposals contained in the comprehensive plan, and will not prevent or discourage other planned development in the same zoning district or general vicinity.
      (2)   The proposal is in compliance with the standards of the affected zoning district and the provisions of this section.
      (3)   The proposal includes adequate provisions for the preservation of unique and important natural resources and cultural or historic sites that may be affected.
      (4)   The development will have no significant adverse impacts an surrounding lands or uses, including environmental impacts on the water, air, scenic qualities or other area features.
      (5)   Natural and man-made hazards to public health and safety have been minimized through the development's design.
      (6)   The project will have an adequate circulation system of streets and off-street parking areas for both occupants and visitors, including any needed improvements to off-site streets or highways that may be necessary to ensure safety and minimal congestion.
      (7)   There are adequate provisions for the on-going maintenance of open space and common areas within the development, such as through a homeowners' association or other means determined to be acceptable to the city.
      (8)   In the case of a phased development, the first phase(s) will have the same or higher ratio of amenities and open space as proposed for the development as a whole.
      (9)   Water, sewer, electricity, and other necessary public utilities and services are sufficient to serve the development and have been approved by the city's engineer.
      (10)   All developments, including commercial and industrial, will be sufficiently buffered by distance, physical features, and/or landscaping from incompatible or conflicting adjacent uses or proposed uses to minimize any potential conflicts or adverse effects.
   (B)   The final development plan for the PUD will control all subsequent site plan approvals and provide the guidance for farther development.
   (C)   Following issuance of a certificate of completion by the Building Official, any further development within the PUD, Including modifications to buildings or structures, shall be processed through the Site Plan review process to determine compliance with the final development plan.
(Ord. 225, passed 10-20-1994, § 25.8)