(A)   Generally. All development in the R-3 District of the city shall comply with the development requirements in § 154.200.
   (B)   Density. The following are the minimum site area requirements for development within the R-3 District: (Square footage is for "net site area", not including streets.)
6,000 square feet for each dwelling
4,000 square feet for each dwelling
4,000 square feet for first dwelling
4,000 square feet for second dwelling
1,500 square feet for each additional dwelling
   (C)   Off-street parking. See §§ 154.330 through 154.337 for number of off-street parking spaces to be provided for each dwelling unit in the R-3 District, in accordance with §§ 154.330 through 154.337.
   (D)   Additional multiple-family development requirements. The following requirements shall be applied to multiple-family residential development of four or more dwelling units:
      (1)   A site-obscuring solid fence of wood, masonry or other suitable materials shall be provided along all property lines (other than front yard area). The fence shall be a minimum of five feet in height and continuously maintained in a sound and attractive condition;
      (2)   Chain-link or other wire type fences may be approved by the Planning Commission, if supplemented by hedges, vines or other landscaping of an evergreen type that will cover and screen the fence from view;
      (3)   All setback areas not used for driveways or other uses shall be landscaped according to a landscaping and irrigation plan for the entire property, approved by the city;
      (4)   (a)   A minimum of 10% of the site, exclusive of public streets, shall be landscaped or maintained as open space. Driveways, roads and parking areas are not considered open space for this calculation.
         (b)   Pedestrian walkways, bikeways, outdoor living or patio areas, gardens and outdoor recreational areas or facilities in setback areas will be included in the calculation.
      (5)   (a)   All multiple-family developments of eight or more dwellings shall include a specific open space outdoor area for the purpose of exercise, play or other recreational activities for the residents of that development.
         (b)   The area shall consist of a minimum of 1,000 square feet or 20 square feet per dwelling unit, whichever is greater.
      (6)   All trash cans, receptacles, dumpsters and outdoor storage areas in the R-3 District shall be screened from public view by fencing, landscaping or other effective means as approved by the city.
(Ord. 225, passed 10-20-1994, § 9.4)