(A)   There is hereby established a stormwater utility for the City of Seymour, Indiana.
   (B)   The Board of Public Works and Safety is hereby authorized to establish policies and procedures for the operation of the Seymour Stormwater Utility and to establish the Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) and multiplier for stormwater users.
   (C)   The city intends to operate its stormwater utility under provisions of I.C. 36-9-23. The stormwater utility will be responsible for the management of the Seymour Stormwater System and will fund stormwater management activities by charging user fees to the owner/tenant of each property containing impervious surface area within the corporate limits of the city.
   (D)   All residential properties will be charged a uniform user fee. User fees for non-residential will be based upon the amount of impervious surface area contained within the property. The amount of impervious surface area for each property has been determined based upon measurements using aerial photography, submitted construction plans and by field measurements. Public right-of-way is exempt from the user fee.
   (E)   User fees do not relieve any property owner from compliance with the City of Seymour and/or Jackson County ordinances and/or other applicable state and/or federal laws/regulations.
(Ord. 1, 2014, passed 2-10-2014)