Where a significant portion of the metered water does not and cannot enter the sewerage system, either directly or indirectly, and where the quantity of water entering the premises averages more than 20,000 gallons per month, the person having charge of the property may request permission from the city to install at his or her own expense either an approved meter or meters to determine the quantity of water that cannot enter the sewerage system or an approved sewage measuring device or devices to determine the volume of sewage that actually enters the sewerage system; when appropriate, the city reserves the right to determine by whatever other means and methods it may find practicable the percentage of the property’s metered water that enters the sewerage system. In any case, the user charge shall be applied to the quantity of water that can or actually does enter the public sewers.
(1987 Code, § 9-65) (Ord. passed 6-26-2000)