(A)   Obedience required. Strict obedience to all rules and regulations, as well as to orders from the Chief of Police and the Mayor, shall be required. A willful violation of any of the rules and regulations as prescribed herein, or habitual inattention to them, shall be deemed as sufficient cause for dismissal from the force.
   (B)   Enforcement procedures.
      (1)   Charges in writing will be preferred against a member of the Department for any infraction of these rules and regulations, Department orders, inefficiency and discipline.
      (2)   Charges will be preferred under the supervision of the commanding officer of the alleged delinquent and promptly forwarded through regular channels to the Chief of Police with the recommendation of that commanding officer. The Chief of Police shall determine whether the charges are of sufficient importance to justify suspension.
      (3)   The Chief of Police may demote or temporarily suspend, for a period not exceeding 30 days, any employee of the Department for cause after preferring the charges in writing. Any employee so suspended shall have the right to public hearing before the Board if the employee so demands within ten days of receiving notice of the charges. The employee may be represented by counsel.
      (4)   The mode of trial shall be by taking testimony under oath, first of the complaining witness, then by the defense. A stenographic record of all trials will be kept. The accused shall have the right to be represented by counsel of his or her choice.
      (5)   Charges preferred by civilians against any member of the Department must be in writing, in duplicate, and sworn to, or affirmed to.
      (6)   Any member under suspension of the Police Department shall be prohibited from performing any police duties, special or otherwise, for the period of time that he or she remains on suspension. He or she shall, at the time of suspension, turn in to the Chief of Police all police identification he or she may have, and his or her badge.
      (7)   The amount of punishment, and severity of that punishment, will be at the discretion of the Chief of Police and shall include such types of punishments as working days off, suspension for a certain number of days, demotion, and the like. All suspensions will be without pay.
(1987 Code, § 2-218) (Board of Public Works and Safety Res. passed 7-26-1972)