(A)   Any permitted OWHH must be installed only in a rear yard of the building being served by the OWHH.
   (B)   Any permitted OWHH must be installed at least 50 feet from the nearest property line.
   (C)   If an OWHH is installed within 300 feet from any residence not served by the OWHH, the stack/chimney must be at least two feet higher than the peak of the roof of the residence or place of business served by the OWHH.
   (D)   If an OWHH is located within 100 feet from any residence not served by the OWHH, the stack/chimney must be at least two feet higher than the peak of the roof of the residence or place of business served or not served by the OWHH, whichever is higher.
   (E)   Regardless of the distance to property lines or residences served or not served by the outdoor unit, the height of the stack shall be no less than 12 feet.
(Ord. 7, 2009, passed 4-27-2009)