(A)   In instances of a high-use asphalt or gravel road, boring under the roadway shall be required whenever possible. If the pavement, sidewalk, driveway or other surface must be cut, it shall be cut vertically along the lines forming the trench in such a manner as to prevent damage to the adjoining pavement or hard surfacing.
   (B)   When trenching across a paved county roadway is required, T-patches for the asphalt will be required as follows: Saw cut edge of existing pavement. Provide cut through full depth of pavement and in a straight line. If the pavement is cracked, broken or deteriorated, make a cut so the defective area is removed. Remove existing pavement that was cut off. Saw cut additional one-foot minimum of paved surface for T-patch prior to untreated base course and paving. (See the T-patch detail in County Standards and Asphalt Paving Repair.) Cut shall be made at a minimum of six inches past the trench for asphalt and concrete. The portions to be removed shall be broken up in a manner that will not cause damage to the pavement outside the limits of the T-patch area. Any pavement damaged by operations outside the limits of the T-patch shall be freshly cut and replaced. All waste material resulting from the excavation shall be removed immediately from the site of work.
(Ord. 2023-4-1, passed 4-10-2023)