(A)    Except as provided in I.C. 36-5-6.5, the Clerk-Treasurer is both the Town Clerk and the Town Fiscal Officer.
(I.C. 36-5-6-2)
   (B)   The Clerk-Treasurer may administer oaths, take depositions and take acknowledgments of instruments required by statute to be acknowledged.
(I.C. 36-5-6-5)
   (C)   This section does not apply to a town that has adopted an ordinance under I.C. 36-5-6.5. The Clerk-Treasurer shall do the following:
      (1)   Receive and care for all town money and pay the money out only on order of the Town Council;
      (2)   Keep accounts showing when and from what sources the Clerk-Treasurer has received town money, and when and to whom the Clerk-Treasurer has paid out town money;
      (3)   Prescribe payroll and account forms for all town offices;
      (4)   Prescribe the manner in which creditors, officers and employees shall be paid;
      (5)   Manage the finances and accounts of the town and make investments of town money;
      (6)   Prepare for the Town Council the budget estimates of miscellaneous revenue, financial statements and the proposed tax rate;
      (7)   Maintain custody of the town seal and the records of the Town Council;
      (8)   Issue all licenses authorized by statute and collect the fees fixed by ordinance;
      (9)   Serve as Clerk of the Town Council by attending its meetings and recording its proceedings;
      (10)   Administer oaths, take depositions and take acknowledgment of instruments that are required by statute to be acknowledged, without charging a fee;
      (11)   Serve as clerk of the town court under I.C. 33-35-3-2, if the judge of the court does not serve as clerk of the court or appoint a clerk of the court under I.C. 33-35-3-1;
      (12)   Perform all other duties prescribed by statute; and
(I.C. 36-5-6-6)
      (13)   Pursuant to I.C. 36-4-8-14 and I.C. 36-5-4-12 allows city and towns legislative bodies to adopt an ordinance allowing the Fiscal Officers to make claim payments in advance of Council allowance for the following kind of expenses:
         (a)   Property or services purchased or leased from the United States Government, of its political subdivisions;
         (b)   License or permit fees;
         (c)   Insurance premiums;
         (d)   Utility payments or utility connecting charges;
         (e)   General grant programs where advance funding is not prohibited and the contracting party post sufficient security to cover the amount advanced;
         (f)   Grant of state funds authorized by statute;
         (g)   Maintenance or service agreements;
         (h)   Leases or rental agreements;
         (i)   Bond or coupon payments;
         (j)   Payroll;
         (k)   State, federal and county taxes;
         (l)   Credit card payments to avoid late payments; and
         (m)   Board approved contracts.
(Ord. 2019-3, passed 12-3-2019)