(A)   When an officer discovers a vehicle in the possession of a person other than the owner of the vehicle, and the person cannot establish the right to the possession of the vehicle, the vehicle shall be taken to and stored in a suitable place.
(I.C. 9-22-1-5)
   (B)   If the owner or lienholder under I.C. 9-22-1-8 does not appear and pay all costs, or the owner of the vehicle cannot be determined by a search conducted under § 90.08 of this chapter, the vehicle is considered abandoned and must be disposed of in accordance with this chapter.
(I.C. 9-22-1-7)
   (C)   If the properly identified person who owns or holds a lien on a vehicle appears at the site of storage before disposal of the vehicle or parts and pays all costs relating to a tow, the storage of the vehicle, and all allowable fees, as applicable, the vehicle or parts shall be released. A towing service shall notify the appropriate public agency of all releases under this section. The notification must include the name, signature and address of the person that owns or holds a lien on the vehicle, a description of the vehicle or parts, costs and the date of release.
(I.C. 9-22-1-8)