It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or operate a motor vehicle during the time of a fire in the City so as to in any way interfere with the actions, maneuvers or operations of the fireman or police officers in the conduct of fire fighting operations.
At the time of any fire alarm, every person then driving a vehicle on the streets must immediately drive the vehicle to the right hand side of the street and stop the vehicle until after the fire alarm has stopped.
No vehicle shall be operated, after the same is stopped, on the streets over which the fire truck will traverse from the fire house to the place of the fire, until after the fire truck has passed and is a distance of five hundred feet (500') from the parked vehicle.
It shall be unlawful for any person to drive a vehicle ahead of the fire truck on any street over which the fire truck will travel to the fire.
All firemen and police officers are exempt from the provisions of this Section.