(A)   The Town Council has authorized assistants to serve under the Building Commissioner.
   (B)   The responsibilities and duties of the assistant shall be:
      (1)   All of the assistants appointed to serve under the Building Commissioner and all employees in the Department, under the direction and supervision of the Commissioner, shall enforce this code and shall perform their duties, as prescribed by the Building Commissioner, who as the head of the office, shall be the Director of all the functions and work therein.
      (2)   The title which any employee under the Commissioner may hold shall not prevent him or her from being required to do other work as the Commissioner may at any time direct, without any change in his or her regular compensation.
      (3)   Each inspector shall keep a complete record of his or her inspection work and make a report thereon to the Commissioner at least once every two weeks, or as directed by the Commissioner. In case the Commissioner shall appoint any inspector over any certain territory, the inspector shall perform his or her duty properly and be responsible for the inspection work under his or her direction and within that district. Each inspector shall receive inspection slips and shall thereon keep a complete record of any inspections made and shall attach the final inspection tag on the building permit, as provided in this code.
      (4)   The Commissioner shall inspect and check all plans submitted to the office for any buildings, structures and equipment, to see that they bare in conformity with this code and relevant statutes and with standard current engineering practices.
(`93 Code, § 2-20) (Ord. 92-520, passed 3-23-92)