(A)   Dilapidated buildings. Any building, house or structure caused or suffered to become so out of repair and dilapidated that it constitutes a fire hazard liable to catch on fire or communicate fire because of its condition and lack of repair, or that due to lack of adequate maintenance or neglect endangers the public health, welfare or safety, or materially interferes with the peaceful enjoyment by owners or occupants of adjacent property is considered a nuisance.
   (B)   Dwellings unfit for human habitation.
      (1)   The erection, use or maintenance of a dwelling which is unfit for human habitation is considered a nuisance. A dwelling shall include any part of any building or its premises used as a place of residence or habitation or for sleeping by any person.
      (2)   A dwelling is “unfit for human habitation” when it is dangerous or detrimental to life or health because of want of repair, defects in the drainage, plumbing, lighting, ventilation or construction, infection with contagious disease or the existence on the premises of an unsanitary condition likely to cause sickness among occupants of the dwelling.
   (C)   Dangerous buildings adjoining streets. It shall be declared a nuisance for any building, house or structure to become so out of repair and dilapidated that, it would, if the condition is suffered to continue, endanger the life, limb or property, or cause hurt, damage or injury to persons or property using or existing on the streets or public ways of the town adjoining the premises, by reason of the collapse of the building, house or structure, or by the falling of parts thereof or of objects therefrom.
   (D)   Dangerous trees, stacks and the like adjoining streets. It shall be a nuisance if any tree, stack or other object remains standing upon the premises in such a condition that, if the condition is suffered to continue, it does or will endanger the life, limb or property or hurt, damage or injure persons or property upon the public streets or public ways adjacent thereto, by the falling thereof or of parts thereof.
(`93 Code, § 6-48) (Ord. 316, passed 8-28-79)