(A)   Premises to be kept clean. Allowing any premises to become or remain in a filthy condition or to be used or occupied in a manner that creates noxious or offensive smells or odors in connection therewith, or to allow on any premises the accumulation or creation of rubbish or other unwholesome and offensive matter or the breeding of flies, rodents or other vermin on the premises to the menace of the public health or the annoyance of people residing in the vicinity is hereby declared a nuisance. The person owning, occupying and/or controlling the premises is responsible for any violation of this section.
   (B)   Accumulation of rubbish.
      (1)   The accumulation of rubbish shall be considered a nuisance if there is caused or suffered an accumulation on any premises of filth, refuse, trash, garbage or other waste materials to such a degree that it endangers the public health, welfare or safety or materially interferes with the peaceful enjoyment by owners or occupants of adjacent property because of the danger of its catching or communicating fire, its attracting and propagating vermin, rodents or insects or its blowing into any street, sidewalk or property of another.
      (2)   It shall be the duty of persons owning or being in charge of those business establishments whose patrons purchase goods or services from their automobiles, commonly known as “drive-ins,” to furnish sufficient covered receptacles for the deposit of wastes created in the operation of the business and to clean up the wastes as are not deposited in receptacles at the close of business of each day (or if the business operates continuously, at least once each day) and at other times when weather conditions are such that waste from the operation of the business is being blown to adjoining premises.
   (C)   Noxious odors or smoke. If there emits from premises into the surrounding atmosphere odors, dusts, smoke or other matter as to render ordinary use or physical occupation of other property in the vicinity uncomfortable or impossible such condition shall be declared a nuisance.
   (D)   Stagnant water. It is a violation of this section to allow any pool of stagnant water to accumulate and stand on any property.
   (E)   Dressing poultry. The dressing of poultry within the town limits for wholesale, or retail use is declared a nuisance unless at the end of each day the debris made in the dressing of the same shall be removed to some point beyond the town limits and destroyed.
(`93 Code, § 6-48) (Ord. 316, passed 8-28-79)