§ 93.06 NUISANCES.
   Each owner shall exercise proper care and control of his or her domestic animal so as to prevent the following:
   (A)   Molesting of passers-by;
   (B)   Chasing of passing vehicles;
   (C)   Attacking other domestic animals;
   (D)   Trespassing upon private property or school grounds;
   (E)   Damaging private or public property;
   (F)   Habitual barking or loud and continued noise which causes serious annoyance or disturbance to the neighborhood; and
   (G)   Unnecessary foul or noxious odors which offend people in the neighborhood.
(Ord. 99-715, passed 4-12-99) Penalty, see § 10.99
   Animal nuisances, see § 95.12