(A)   The town prohibits, within its town limits, facilities intended for disposal, destruction of or recycling of toxic chemicals, radioactive waste, heavy metals, asbestos and other forms of hazardous waste, whether through incineration, land filling or other mechanical, chemical or technological means.
   (B)   Any facility not restricted in the foregoing division shall not be located within one mile of any other business, residence, church, school, health-care facility or child-care facility, as measured from the point of admission, discharge or regulated activity to the nearest property limit.
   (C)   Any facility not restricted in the preceding divisions must meet all applicable construction and operating standards of local, state and federal regulatory agencies, including but not limited to Clark County Health Department, Indiana State Board of Health, Indiana Department of Environmental Management and Indiana State Environmental Protection Agency.
(`93 Code, § 6-106) (Ord. 94-586, passed - -94)