(A)   Generally.  
      (1)   New or moving customers applying for water/sewer service shall do so in person at the Business Office and shall put down a cash deposit as specified in division (B), before any utility service will be rendered.
      (2)   When submitting the Application for Water/Sewer Service, the applicant will be asked for
social security number and picture identification (driver's license preferred), as well as the county tax key number for the property. This aids in the collection process, if necessary, and eliminates possible falsification of who is actually living at the service address. The Business Office will make a copy of the proof document and attach it to the application form.
      (3)   If the applicant is renting, the property owner or manager shall sign the Landlord Certification section of the application. The Business Office will sign the application, which acknowledges receipt of the completed application, and compliance with the policy as stated herein. A copy will then be mailed to the property owner or manager advising that his or her tenant has applied for water/sewer service.
      (4)   After reviewing the application for completeness, the Business Office will determine the deposit requirement, if any, and review computer and/or other records to verify that the applicant has no previous history of being past due and has no previous account balances that may still be due.
      (5)   Upon payment of any required cash deposit, a receipt will be issued to the applicant.
   (B)   Deposit requirements.
Customer type
Customer type
Commercial, Institutional, Industrial and Governmental
15% of the previous active 12 month's charges, including taxes, (rounded to the nearest $100) at the service address for each service. If the service is new at the address, the 12 month's charges will be estimated based upon the type and size of the customer as compared to similar types and sizes of customers. Deposits are subject to periodic review, after which, the deposit may be adjusted to more accurately reflect the 15% requirement.
   (C)   Residential–general.
      (1)   When a previously terminated account (owner-occupied or renter) returns to establish a new account after a period of time has elapsed, the deposit on those accounts which have previously established a negative credit history (see division (F) for "History Defined") with Sellersburg Utilities, may be double the regular deposit as in division (B) and any amounts previously written off as bad debts must be paid and collection or legal fees paid to outside agencies must be reimbursed before a new account will be established.
      (2)   If an active account (owner-occupied or rental) continually becomes or remains past due (determined by multiple application and penalty charges against the account), or service has been disconnected due to non-payment, a deposit equal to double the schedule established in division (B) may be required for continuation or reestablishment of service.
   (D)   Residential–rental.
      (1)   A residential rental deposit shall always be required before utility service will be rendered.
      (2)   When a rental account moves to a new account, a new Application for Water/Sewer Service shall be required. The old deposit normally shall be transferred to the new account. If, however, the customer has developed a history of being past due (see division (F) "History Defined"), the old deposit shall stay with the old account and a new deposit shall be required for the new account. In this event, the deposit required on the new account may be double the regular deposit requirement. The old deposit will be applied to the current and final bills of the old account, and the balance, if any, will be refunded. If the old account is past due on the moving date, a new account will not be established until the old account is brought current. If, after the final bill is prepared, the old deposit is not sufficient to cover the remaining charges on the old account and the old account becomes past due, the new account will be subject to service termination as though the two accounts were one.
      (3)   If the new account has different services from the old account, the new account's deposit requirements must be attained. A reduction in the requirement may result in a partial refund of the deposit.
      (4)   When planning a move, the Utility Business Office should be given sufficient notice so that services can be terminated on the planned date of vacating the premises.
   (E)   Non-residential–general.
      (1)   Commercial, industrial, governmental, and institutional accounts shall be required to put down a deposit before utility service(s) will be rendered.
      (2)   If an account continually becomes or remains past due (determined by multiple application of penalty charges against the account), a deposit equal to double the schedule established in division (B) may be required for continuation of services.
      (3)   If an account is disconnected because of non-payment, the deposit shall be used to pay all existing charges. Upon re-establishing, the required deposit balance shall be required in order to increase the amount covered, the payment of reconnect charges, and the payment of any charges not covered by the deposit before services will be restored.
   (F)   History defined. Having a "history of being past due" or a "negative credit history" is hereby defined as follows:
      (1)   Having been past due on more than one occurrence during the preceding 12-month period;
      (2)   Having any service disconnected as a result of non-payment during the preceding 24-month period; and/or
      (3)   Being past due on the date service is terminated. This includes those customers who request service be terminated at one location and connected at a new location as a result of moving to said new location.
   (G)   Refunding of deposits and the payment of interest.
      (1)   Cash deposits will be applied to the customer's final bill after which the balance, if any, will be refunded. Any balance due after application of the deposit shall be due and payable on or before the date specified on the final bill.
      (2)   If a given utility has a deposit balance remaining after the utilities charges are satisfied, said balance shall be applied to other utility charges not so satisfied before any amount of the deposit is refunded.
      (3)   Interest will not be paid on any part of the deposit.
   (H)   Availability of forms. Copies of this policy and related forms will be available at the Utility Business Office.
   (I)   Bank accounts.
      (1)   Deposits are to be maintained in one bank account maintained on behalf of the town.
      (2)   When an individual no longer uses the town water, sewer, or sanitation services, a refund of the deposit can be made from this one bank account less any current charges owed to the town.
      (3)   The State Board of Accounts has no objection to the maintenance of one bank account wherein deposits for water and sewer service will be maintained together until refunded or otherwise disposed of as allowed by law.
(Ord. 2001-004, passed 3-12-01; Am. Ord. 2001-016, passed 5-14-01; Am. Ord. 2001-025, passed 12-10-01)