(A)   Water/sewer disconnect notices will not be issued by the Water/Sewer Departments until an arrearage has accumulated in the amount of $15. If the arrearage is not timely paid in accordance with the previous practices of the town after a disconnect notice has been issued, the water/sewer shall be disconnected.
(`93 Code, § 9-30)
   (B)   The Town Council hereby adopts the provisions of I.C. 25-43-5-5 thereby establishing a service fee for all insufficient fund checks or drafts. The service fee shall not exceed the greater of $27.50 or 5% (but not more than $250) of the amount due on any insufficient fund check or draft which has not been paid by a credit or financial institution.
(Ord. 505, passed 7-22-91; Am. Ord. 2011-016, passed 7-11-11)