(A)   Multi-county library system.
      (1)   Organized per statute authority; composition.
         (a)   A multi-county library system, legally organized and operated according to the laws of the state in accordance with the state’s Library Code, and the Constitution of the state, Art. 10, § 10A, serves the following counties: Custer; Dewey; and Washita; provided, however, that, additional counties may be added to the District if approved by the state’s Department of Libraries Board.
         (b)   The town is located within the district served by said multi-county library system legally established and operating.
      (2)   Participation by town. The town is the possessor of the Seiling Public Library and operates it for the benefit of the people of the town and under the benefit of the people of the town, and under the provisions of the state’s Library Code, the town is a legally and active participant in the multi-county library system.
      (3)   Governing board. The governing board of the multi-county library system consists of three members from each county appointed by the Board of County Commissioners; provided that, by 4-6-1970, Board members shall be reconstituted to conform with the provisions of 65 O.S. § 4-103.
      (4)   Funding. The multi-county library system is supported by a special recurring ad valorem tax levy approved by vote of the people for this purpose and by funds from other sources appropriated or otherwise made available for this purpose in accordance with the state’s Library Code and the Constitution of the state.
(Prior Code, § 8-3-1)
   (B)   Town Library. The Seiling Public Library is hereby incorporated into the multi-county library system in accordance with the provisions of the state’s Library Code, and the town will provide suitable quarters and maintenance and necessary utility services of such quarters for the Seiling Public Library, and the multi-county library system will assume the operation and direction of said library and bear all other expenses; except that, the town may, from time to time at its option, appropriate funds for the operation and/or improvements of the Seiling Public Library.
(Prior Code, § 8-3-2)
   (C)   Library Advisory Board.
      (1)   Created; members. The town’s Public Library Advisory Board of the Town Board is hereby created. The Library Advisory Board shall consist of six appointive members.
      (2)   Appointment and terms. The Mayor shall appoint two members on or before May 1 of each year. The term of office of each appointive member shall be for three years, beginning May 1 of the year of appointment or until a successor has been appointed and qualified. The present Board of the Seiling Library shall become members of the Library Advisory Board and shall continue in office until their respective terms expire.
(Prior Code, § 8-3-3)
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see 65 O.S. §§ 1-101 through 7-102